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mit Julien „Nutz“ Deyrez, Matthieu Pascal und Benoit Claus vom 19. März 2012 via Mail
Gitarrist Mathieu Pascal, Sänger Julien „Nutz“ Deyres und Bassist Benoit Claus von der französischen Extreme Metal-Band Gorod berichten uns in diesem Mail-Interview vom neuen Album „A Perfect Absolution“, welches als Nachfolger der Scheibe „Transcendence“ seit dem 12. März 2012 in den Regalen der Musikläden ausliegt. Doch was macht das Album zu einem besonderen Hörerlebnis? Wo liegen die Unterschiede zwischen dem neuen Silberling und seinem Vorgänger? Welche Besonderheiten gab es bei der Produktion? Wie sieht überhaupt die stilistische Entwicklung der Band seit dem ersten Album „Neurotripsicks“ aus dem Jahre 2005 aus? Die Antworten auf diese und viele weitere Fragen findet ihr weiter unten!
Außerdem berichten uns die Drei von den aktuellen Touraktivitäten, ihren musikalischen Einflüssen und Techniken beim Songwriting sowie natürlich über die Zukunft der Band, zu der in diesem Jahr noch eine weitere Tour durch Europa und vielleicht auch durch Nordamerika gehören soll.
Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
The interview:
Alex: Hi Mat, Nutz and Ben, thanks for taking the time for this interview! How are you
doing? How is the wheather in France?
Nutz: We're currently on tour with Obscura, Spawn of Possession and Exivious all over Europe and that rocks ! Weather in France ? No idea yet cuz' we're in Denmark right now, sure that it's better than here ! I miss the sun, actually, hehe !
Alex: Can you tell us something about the history of „Gorod“? Where would you see the main
stations or “milestones” of the band’s past?
Mat: We released our first album "Neurotripsicks" in 2004, and the 2nd "Leading Vision", in 2006, via Willowtip Records. Then our former drummer Sandrine left the band and was replaced by Sam Santiago, who recorded our 3rd " Process of a new Decline" in 2009, via Willowtip and Listenable Records. At this time we did a small Europe tour with Immolation, followed in 2010 by a small american east coast tour, that finished with the Maryland Death fest in Baltimore. In 2011 we release an Ep "Transcendence", self-released, that concur with the lost of Guillaume (vocals) and Arno (guitar) for personal reasons. The same year we did a French tour with Kronos and Benighted, 2 great french deathmetal bands, and we crossed europe with The Faceless, Born of Osiris and Veil of Maya. Our next album, "a perfect absolution" should be released in March 2012 via Listenable records for Europe and in May 2012 via Unique Leader Records for North America.
Alex: How did you personally get in touch with music? Has there been any special moments or
events in your life?
Mat: I remember I've always been attracted by music. In my early years, I took some Saxophone and solfeggio lessons during one year, enough to get music basics. Then I learned the rest by myself. I started writing music very early, actually as soon as I've been able to record my ideas. I've always listen to music, in all genres, from all countries, it's very important to me to have the widest musical culture.
Alex: What can you tell us about your upcoming album „A Perfect Absolution“?
Nutz: This album is more "straight forward" and various than previous ones. And the lyrical concept has also changed a lot. Just check this !
Alex: Was there anything special about the production or the song writing process, so far?
Mat: This time, all the songs have been written in a very short period, between May and September 2011. For the previous release, some songs were 2 years old...Actually, many things were decided just before the studio. For the first time I wasn't in charge for the production. We decided to work with ElMobo, the famous French metal producer, and he really brings his "highclass touch" to Gorod sound. We recorded the drums in the huge living room of a good friend's house, in the open country, and then we recorded the rest between my studio, ElMobo's Conkrete Studio and RockSchool Barbey Studio. The recording/mixing process began in October 2011 and finished in December. As we all have regular jobs, we couldn't make it in only 2 or 3 weeks. As we knew about the tour with Obscura, the album had to be completed for end 2011, and we planned everything to get this done on time. ElMobo have really helped us out to make this possible, he has golden ears and always make sure to keep the band's sound personnal, even if he brings his own mark to the album.
Alex: And how about the stylistic changes between this album and its predecessor „Process of a
New Decline“?
Mat: Well, lots of things have changed since “Process of a new Decline”. The new songs have been written in a close period, maybe less than 6 months. We always try to make simpler and efficient music, to just make songs you can sing, I mean. The tracks in “A Perfect Absolution” are more focused on groove and ambiance, and are finally more memorable in my opinion than the previous ones. Another point is about the vocals I guess. Julien uses lots of different kind of voices, that bring more colors to the music, and fit perfectly well with the wide range of feelings in the songs. The sound of the band has also progressed. This time we worked with ElMobo, the famous french Metal soundmaker, to improve our sound and bring power and clarity to the mix, and objectivity to the band.
Alex: What reactions about the last album did you get from fans and the press so far? What didn’t
work out as planned and what went extraordinarily well instead?
Nutz: The album is still not officially out, but most of reactions from fans and press are really, really great and we have actually some awesome reviews… Everything works out as planned and maybe better, since the beginning of the promotion and tour. We'll see what will happen next !
Alex: Did you hear any critics you are going to take care of on the current record?
Mat: I hear and understand every critics about Gorod, but most of the time I prefer trying to grab people to my music instead of just following their tastes. I know we can't be perfect for everybody, but we try to make the best music possible, from our point of view.
Alex: What does the title mean for you? How did it come to be?
Nutz: The title is summing up the concept developed on this album. It reflects the different themes which are: a total annihilation of a people out of sheer desire for revenge, using the four elements in the eradication process which takes several times of Scandinavian death rituals, and the redemption by the conversion to Orthodox Christianity.
Alex: How are you generally involved in the band’s songwriting and how do you all actually
create the music?
Mat: As always, I wrote the entire songs with the 2 guitars and the drum patterns, record them at home with a drum machine, then made tabs for Nicolas (gtr) and Ben (bass). Then Ben or I made the bassline, and we started work on this base, improving the song with the magic of Sam (drums) and the other guys, adding some breaks and some lead parts. Julien have written the lyrics on his side, and, as always, we incorporated the vocals just before entering the studio.
Alex: What do you find to be most difficult in writing or coordinating the whole process? What do
you like most?
Mat: Well, I prefer writing songs, that's why I make music firstly. I used to do everything for the records, composing, arrangements, recording, mixing, artwork, etc... But this time I'm happy to be helped by such a good team.
Alex: Do you think that any other bands significantly influenced your music in general? Do you
think the same in matters of your lyrics?
Nutz: Every artist has influences even if he wants to create a unique sound. You can sound unique and have all the influences of the world, even the noise of works in the street. An artist is really a sponge and always reflects the world that surrounds us. About the lyrics, I found the subject by spending time in libraries, in the slavic funds of Paris. I was influenced by my studies, in this way.
Alex: We know that a lot of fans have tons of questions they would like to ask you. Now think the
other way ‘round: If you had the time to ask any metal fan in the world a few questions,
what would that be?
Ben : Questions are coming up to my mind when I see people! I don't have model question for fans.
Every people is different and is creating a different feeling. So I really can't answer your question!
Alex: As a general question, what significance did the music have in your life all the time? Friends
first? Job first? When did the music actually become your life?
Nutz : Since I'm 2 years old, I know that I want to spend my life on stage. But sure, that's really not easy to combine with jobs, relationship and friends. But, sure, I would say Music first.
Alex: Are you on the other hand already planning on the next big tour? If so, when will it take
place and what countries might it include?
Ben: We are actually on tour with Obscura, Spawn of Possession and Exivious in march/april all over Europe. We're very proud to be on this package, it's an incredible experience every nignt!
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But yeah, our management/booking always work with around six months in advance… so we know there should be another European tour and maybe a North American tour … before the end of 2012.
Alex: Are some of your band members actually working in or on side-projects or do you they have
other jobs they follow besides Gorod?
Nutz : My main band is ZUBROWSKA (extreme post metal/HxC), another Stoner Rock side project which is WONDERBAR and I keep on studying history of art about Czech decadence around the year 1900.
Alex: Generally, what’s up next for the band? What can the fans expect?
Nutz : Fisrt concerts worldwide, then new album. And sure, we'll destroy the stage anywhere we'll go !
Alex: Is there anything left you would like to tell your fans out there?
Nutz: See you on the road and close to the taps !
Alex: Thanks again for taking the time for this interview! All the best for your future!
Moderation: Alexander Kipke
Hört hier ins neuste Album namens „A Perfect Absolution“ rein:
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