Metal Trails Music Magazine | Metal Rock Punk Folk Pop and Alternative Music

Interview: Dying For Some Action

mit Stefan Eliasson vom 15. Februar 2013
Der ursprüngliche Ruf nach Rock 'n' Roll ertönt in Schweden vermutlich am lautesten, denn warum sonst findet sich dort auch die höchste Population an Rock- und Gitarren-Bands in Reinkultur? The Hellacopters, Backyard Babies, The Hives, Diamond Dogs', Thunder Express oder New Keepers of the Water Towers - um nur einige Namen zu nennen - sind solche Vorzeige-Bands, die im nördlichen Königreich beheimatet sind. Was also ist es, das die Heimat der Elche, Seen und Wälder - so unüberhörbar roh und ehrlich - den Rock 'n' Roll zelebrieren lässt?
Die ebenfalls in Schweden beheimateten Rüpel-Rocker Dying For Some Action, haben sich schon vor Fertigstellung der neuen EP, Zeit für ein Interview mit uns genommen, und versuchen, dem Mysterium auf den Grund zu gehen. Am Knäckebrot wird's ja wohl nicht liegen!? Weiters erzählen sie von der Arbeit an der neuen EP, dem Ausscheiden von Sängerin Emelie und Bassist Nicklas, geben Einblick in ihre musikalischen Einflüsse und versorgen uns mit Tipps zu schwedischem Rock 'n' Roll-Nachschub. Natürlich gibt's auch Anekdoten von der 2012er Tour durch Europa, auf der sie ihre Debüt-EP "Die Harder!" promoteten und sich so - langsam aber doch sicher - zu den legitimen Nachfolgern der Hellacopters mauserten.
Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

The interview:

Michael: Hello! Thanks for taking the time for this interview! How are you doing?
Stefan Eliasson: Hey! No problem! Everything is fine with me.
Michael Voit: Can you introduce yourself to our readers and roughly describe your role in the band?
Stefan: My Name is Stefan Eliasson and I play guitar and do backing vocals for Dying For Some Action.
Michael: What's the reason you started with music? What makes it so special for you?
Stefan: The reason I started with music is probably because of my big brother and my parents, listening to old rock 'n' roll music and hard rock. Later on I wanted to start play guitar and then I got totally hooked. For me music isn't just playing, it's everthing around, going to other shows, arrange shows, meeting others that have a huge passion for it, too. But playing live is the best!
Michael: Recently two band members decided to leave the band. What's the reason for that?
Stefan: Our bass player wanted to concentrate on other music, we don't blame him for that. Our singer moved to start studying so rehearsing is hard. We always want to play live and it’s a hard thing when someone lives five hours drive away. But there are no hard feelings between us.
Michael: Do you already have a replacement for them?
Stefan: We are working on that as we speak, going to try out some folks … get shit together as fast as we can ..... Getting restless!!!
Michael: How did you guys do the songwriting? Did you come with finish songs or was it more like having rough ideas and working them out in a jamming session?
Stefan: We basically meet together in our rehearsal room and start playing. I usually come up with the riffs and then we twist it all together, everone has a part in it when we write the music. When it comes to lyrics the singer and Ellinor, the guitar player have all the ideas.
Michael: What is the most difficult part of the songwriting process?
Stefan: For writing riffs it can be difficult, inspiration always comes at weird times, you just have to store it in your head like old style.
Michael: When can the fans expect any new material?
Stefan: As soon as we find the right shitty rock n rollers! Its going to be faster, harder and more heavy rock 'n' roll!!
Michael: Can you tell us something about the production of the EP? Do you use a studio or do you work it out at home?
Stefan: We recorded the EP „Die Harder!“ at our friends studio in our home town, recorded guitar, bass, drums live and the other guitar, vocals and choirs simple and basic - like Rock 'n' roll should be! When we recorded our latest EP we went up to Stockholm to record it at Sunlight Studios with Tomas Skogsberg as the producer. He was great! He also has recorded The Hellacopers, Gluecifer, Backyard Babies, Entombed etc. Great guy!
Michael: What do you think about vinyl and it's current comeback?
Stefan: Only good! The people who are into rock 'n' roll, punk, metal want it so. I like vinyl.
Michael: Is "Die Harder!" available on vinyl, or will the new EP be available on vinyl?
Stefan: No sorry, we only did CD's, but our new stuff will be on vinyl. We want it and the fans want it, too!
Michael: What jobs do you have in real life?
Stefan: I work as a teacher, Ellinor works at a museum, Alexander works as concrete worker.
Michael: How has been the mini tour through Europe last year?
Stefan: Only good! Lots of shows! We played in nine country’s last year. Good response, so we are dying to come back on the road again!
Michael: Did you have any remarkable, special or funny Moments with Dying For Some Action, you will never forget and share with us? Maybe from Germany or Austria?
Stefan: Haha got a few ..... Austria, Slovakia, Czeck Republic, Portugal. For me it was the first show on the „One legged Whore“ tour in Oldenburg, many people and great response, and Prag. The crazyiest must have been when we played in a small pub in Vsetin in Czeck Republic. The pub was packed with lots of punk people, and everbody was totally drunk and on drugs, its was a great gig!
Michael: What do you love most about playing live shows?
Stefan: The whole feeling when you know that everthing is perfect on stage and the audience like it! I love playing live!
Michael: What's your favourite Dying For Some Action-Song on stage and why?
Stefan: I like the last song we wrote, it's a song called „Troubled Ways“. It's heavy, fast, catchy. We played it on our last tour, havent been recorded yet. „But Beast Within“ is our first song that we ever wrote and its still one of my favs, too. „Andrenaline Junkie“ is a hit, too!
Michael: What do you think about the rock cliché "Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Roll"? Jaded or still alive?
Stefan: Haha, who dosen't love it, thats why you are in the rock 'n' roll life, right? Honestly, when it comes to that, I will never ruin a concert by being to drunk or on drugs. Music first, then fun! You have to have a party after the show ! But now these days you really have to put on a good show and not fuck a concert, not behave like an asshole to the fans or the promoters. Its about having the most fun.
Michael: What would you say are your influences and personal favorite bands?
Stefan: Our biggest influence is defently Motörhead! Old rock 'n' roll like Iggy & Stooges, Black Sabbath, and also Hellacopters, Gluecifer.
Michael: What do you think, how has the music changed over the last 30 years and especially in the last years?
Stefan: More over produced music, people are not supporting the record companies. The only good thing is that people want to see live shows. The situation we have in Sweden: When it comes to play live shows, we are fucked. Bands/artists are replaced by a fucking DJ at clubs. Come on! Most of the people wanna see a live band!
Michael: The last years it seemed to be trendy to play covers on Stage. You too?
Stefan: Hmm, we have done a couple of covers through this two years we have been active, but we want to concentrate on our own material. We have done covers for special shows and that have been great.
Michael: Is there a favorite movie you wanted to bring in a song or compose the whole score?
Stefan: A Tarantino movie or the most baldest action movie with Bruce Wills ever, like „Die Hard“! Haha ...
Michael: When will the European fans have the chance to see you live on stage again? Maybe at a Festival?
Stefan: We aren't booked for a festival this summer, yet… Haha.
Michael: What was the last concert you have visited?
Stefan: Latest concert was „The Scams“ in Gothenburg, great show! A week before „Bombus“, „Lonely Camel“ and „The Sword“ played also in Gothenburg. Great show, too!
Michael: What are you listening to at the moment?
Stefan: Right now I listen to Bombus, Doomriders, The Bronx, Hurriganes, Toxic Holocaust, Gallows, Nifelheim, Trash Talk, Killing Joke and others.
Michael: Do you have any tips on new swedish bands the people should hear?
Stefan: Have to say our friends in „The Kendolls“ - Swedish Rock! They are releasing their new album on Allycat Records in spring, Its a killer! Then „The Scams“, the've just released their new album „Bombs Away“ - Swedish rock 'n' roll in the vains of AC/DC. Sterile Hermaphrodite - Swedish Nirvana on meth amfetamine. Then we have Bombus, The Generals, Mother of God, Graveyard.
Michael: And do you think weed is that dangerous?
Stefan: Ehh ... no!
Michael: What's planned for the near Future of the band?
Stefan: Getting new singer, bass player ASAP! We are working on new material to record and play live! Just get everything going so we can play live ASAP!
Michael: That's it, thanks again for your effort! Now it's up to you to leave some final greetings for the fans.
Stefan: No problem! Its been fun! We will come to Europe and play when we get or shit together! Which will be soon! Fast shitty rock 'n' roll when its on highest volume! Live fast maniacs!
Moderation: Michael Voit
Wer in das aktuelle Album „Die Harder!“ von 2011
reinhören möchte, kann dies hier tun:
[amazon "Dying For Some Action – Die Harder! (2011)"]B006PTJ9FC[/amazon]

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